• New multifunction air contaminant detector and measuring device
  • New multifunction air contaminant detector and measuring device

Environmental Laboratory

New multifunction air contaminant detector and measuring device

Dec 03 2019

MRU have recently launched a new detector unit with hot-plug sensor functionality, for gas leak detection, refrigerant detection, room climate measurements and carbon monoxide concentration in ambient air

With MRU’s 400GD modular multi-function detector and measuring device, there is now a system that can convert, within seconds, from a leak detector (flammable gases, refrigerant) to a device for measurements of temperature, ambient humidity, air pressure or the concentration of carbon monoxide in the ambient air (other measurements, such as H2 or CO2, are pending).

This is made possible by a hot plug and play sensor- switching- system, which was developed on the basis of automatic function recognition. There is only this one base unit that can be combined with a range of interchangeable sensors, to cover a broad range of applications while providing a compact, cost-effective solution.

The 1.8 "colour display is easy to read and, in addition to the measurement result (ppm,% and% LEL), simultaneously displays a graphic progression curve of the entire measurement. The compact housing size (W50xH135xD25mm) in fiberglass reinforced plastic ensures easy and robust handling.  A lithium-ion battery ensures a long, mains-independent operating time.

In the event of an alarm, this is visually displayed on the device and on the sensor by a flashing red LED, while the device also vibrates. The alarm threshold is user setable.

At the touch of a button, the device generates a QR code with the measurement data for automatic transfer to the smartphone, with email delivery over MRU4u app (Android or IoS).


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