ION Science Ltd
The Hive, Butts Lane, Fowlmere, Cambridgeshire, SG8 7SL, United Kingdom
- (+44) 1763208503
Company Profile for ION Science Ltd
ION Science Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of technologically advanced gas detection instruments and gas sensors for OEMs.
The portfolio of instruments and PID gas sensors provides customers with pioneering gas sensing technology and reliable monitoring capabilities even within the harshest of environments.
ION Science manufactures the MiniPID gas sensor found in leading gas detection instruments within the field worldwide. This unique patented PID technology has received independent verification as the best performing on the market and incorporates ION Science’s patented fence electrode technology with anti-contamination design and optimal resistance to humidity in difficult working conditions.
ION produces and delivers world-class portable, personal and fixed instrumentation that customers can depend on to keep workers safe within their environment. The range comprises of technologically advanced photoionisation detection (PID) instruments for the detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as well as benzene monitors, leak detectors, mercury analysers and corrosion monitoring equipment.
Other Products from ION Science Ltd
- Air (Indoor Quality)
- Air (Pollution Control)
- Air (Samplers, Air, Dust)
- Air (Samplers, Personal)
- Air (Samplers, Portable)
- Air Pumps
- Air Quality Monitoring Systems
- Detectors
- Detectors (Ammonia)
- Detectors (Benzene)
- Detectors (Carbon Monoxide)
- Detectors (Confined Space Gas)
- Detectors (Flame / Gas)
- Detectors (Flammable Gas)
- Detectors (Formaldehyde)
- Detectors (Gas - Fixed)
- Detectors (Gas - Personal)
- Detectors (Gas - Portable)
- Detectors (Gas Leak)
- Detectors (Gas)
- Detectors (Halocarbons)
- Detectors (Hydrocarbons)
- Detectors (Hydrogen Sulphide)
- Detectors (Hydrogen)
- Detectors (Leak)
- Detectors (Mercury Vapour)
- Detectors (Mercury)
- Detectors (Organic Vapour)
- Detectors (Oxygen)
- Detectors (Personal)
- Detectors (Photoionisation - PID)
- Detectors (PID - Photo Ionization Detector)
- Detectors (Sulphur Dioxide)
- Detectors (Toxic Gas)
- Detectors (Vapour)
- Detectors (Volatile Organic Compounds - VOC)
- Detectors (Volatile Organic)
- Gas Analysers (FID)
- Gas Analysers (VOCs)
- Gas Detection
- Gas Detection (Fixed)
- Gas Detection (Portable)
- Gas Sensors (VOC)
- Gas Sensors (Air Quality)
- Gas Sensors (Ammonia)
- Gas Sensors (Butane)
- Gas Sensors (Ethanol)
- Gas Sensors (Ethylene)
- Gas Sensors (Heptane)
- Gas Sensors (Hexane)
- Gas Sensors (Hydrocarbons)
- Gas Sensors (Low ppb)
- Gas Sensors (Oxygen)
- Gas Sensors (Phosgene)
- Gas Sensors (Phosphine)
- Gas Sensors (PID)
- Gas Sensors (PID/VOC)
- Gas Sensors (Propane)
- Gas Sensors (Toxic)
- Landfill Monitoring Systems
- Micropumps
- Monitoring (Pollution Emission)
- Monitors (Air Pollution)
- Monitors (Air)
- Monitors (Ambient Air)
- Monitors (Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene & Xylene - BTEX)
- Monitors (Explosive Gas)
- Monitors (Gas)
- Monitors (Indoor Air Quality - IAQ)
- Monitors (Toxic Gas)
- Monitors (Vapour)
- Photoionisation Detector
- Pumps
- Pumps (Air Sampling)
- Pumps (Gas Sampling)
- Samplers (Volatile Organic Compounds - VOCs)
- Sensors
- Sensors (Air Quality)
- Sensors (Ammonia)
- Sensors (Low ppb)
- Sensors PID for VOC's
- Transmitters
- Transmitters (Gas)
Articles from ION Science Ltd
Digital Edition
Asian Environmental Technology 27.2 - April/May 2023
May 2023
In This Edition Business News - Celebrating The Life Of A Gas Measurement Industry Icon - A New Home For Gas Sensor Specialists - Envea Completes The Acquisition Of Hycontrol Ltd Environ...
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